Monday 3 November 2008

Change we need

and change is coming, with polls closing at 7pm this evening in Virginia.

We are just back from five hours in Monassas where Barack Obama held the final rally of his two year campaign to be the next President of the USA.

Almost 100,000 people waited patiently for Obama, entertained by a music loop of Jackie Wilson, U2 and Springsteen, very familiar to Labour party conferences. The diverse crowd clearly have huge expectations of Barack Obama.

He didn't disappoint. Obama reminded people why McCain shouldn't be allowed to continue George Bush's failed polices and said how he would revive the economy, tax people earning over $250,000 more, and improve healthcare and education.

He ended with a story from a visit to South Carolina which enabled him to say how one voice can change a room and that can in turn change a city, state, nation and the world. Let's hope people do go out and vote and that this man is the next President tomorrow.

We all left 'fired up and ready to go'.


Tom said...

I love it - and how amazing to be there for the last rally of what's been a two-year campaign. Whatever else he achieves, Obama has already proved himself to be one of the great political orators of our times. Meanwhile, back in London, we're nervously planning our election celebrations.

Unknown said...

It's all very exciting! Thanks for keeping us posted with your reflections of life on the ground. We are very anxiously watching all news sources for any kind of count (even though, at 12:15 GMT, it's way too early) and hope the queues aren't too long at the polling stations. Fingers crossed!!

HFConwatch said...

Thanks guys! Vote early as they say. As long as people are on line before polls close, they'll be fine. Could be a very long night!